Abt Exclusive

Employee Spotlight! Cindy Roberts

Cindy Roberts, May's Employee Spotlight, stands in Abt's Inspiration studio in front of a luxury range. She's smiling.

Meet Cindy Roberts! Cindy is May’s Employee Spotlight, and we’re happy to be shining a light on someone as caring as Cindy in the month of Mother’s Day (especially since she has three kids). Cindy works at Abt in the Administrative Support Office and has done so for 12 years. Her steadfast strength is just part of what makes her an amazing employee. Read on to learn more about Cindy and what she does here at Abt (hint: it involves charity work!)

Cindy Roberts standing in the Inspiration studio between a cooktop and a range with a smile on her face

Charity Work Every Day

Cindy has been in the Administrative Support Office for her entire career at Abt, which will be 12 years this summer. When asked about her day-to-day work, Cindy mentioned that “my main focus is handling the employee bonus fund program as well as managing the For Autistic Kids foundation, also known as ‘FAK'”. What is FAK? The For Autistic Kids Foundation was established by the Abt family to raise funds to broaden public awareness and understanding of autism. The charity also works to research early detection and treatment for those with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  

Not many people get to work with charitable initiatives every day. “The most rewarding part of my job is being involved with our charitable organization, the For Autistic Kids Foundation. From planning our annual golf benefit (which has grown to over 500 guests annually) to helping coordinate the foundation’s Dream Trips. Getting to arrange fun activities for the kids and then seeing the smiles on their faces is hands-down the best part of my job.”

Her Greatest Memories at Abt

Before she started in the administrative support office here at Abt, Cindy was a customer. It’s exciting anytime we see community members become a part of our employee community. Our Employee Spotlight mentioned that “I grew up coming to Abt as a child. My parents have always been Abt customers, as well as supporters of the Abt Family’s charity, For Autistic Kids. Little did we know that many years later I would be helping run the foundation as part of my job.”

Next, we asked what her favorite memories here at Abt were. It was an easy answer, as it is for so many of the folks that we spotlight. “I definitely cherish the time that I was able to spend with Bob Abt before he passed away in 2015. I was lucky to get to work in his office and see his perspective on running the business.” And while we’re excited to showcase Cindy as this month’s Employee Spotlight, it’s not the first time she’s been recognized for her great work. “My most proud memory is earning the Star Employee award back in 2018.” The Star Employee Award is one of Abt’s highest accolades, and it’s only awarded to those who have demonstrated outstanding performance in going above and beyond. Cindy has truly demonstrated just how essential she is to the daily function of the store, even if you don’t see her down on the sales floor. 

Other great memories? “Now I’m enjoying creating new memories by bringing my kids into the store. They think it’s the coolest thing ever that their Mom has a candy store at her work, and not to mention that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny come here to visit.” 

Balancing Work/Mom Life

Our Employee Spotlight Cindy works on more than just Administrative Support; she’s a mom to three children. We asked how she balances working and being a mother, and she had this to say: “Balancing work and mom life can be challenging at times, but the key for us is spending quality time together when we’re all home, whether it’s having dinner as a family every night, extra storytime with the kids before bed or planning special activities on the weekends. We find a way to make it work.” 

Making it work is part of Cindy’s job here at Abt too. It’s all about balance and care, and we couldn’t think of a better person to be May’s Employee Spotlight. Our final question to Cindy asked what she loves most about being a mother. “I love getting to watch my kids grow and learn new things. Their interests are constantly changing, but right now Legos and Super Marios Brothers are a huge hit in my house. My sons just turned 6 and 4, and my daughter is 9 months old. She recently started crawling and is getting into everything, so she keeps me on my toes. After having two boys, I’m excited to buy girl clothes and change things up a bit. I’m also enjoying seeing how the boys interact with their baby sister and how much they love each other.” We think that her kids and charitable efforts can inspire us all to love each other a little more, too.

Happy Memorial Day 2024 from Abt!
Get Fired Up for Summer: Abt's Grill Demos are Back!

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